About Subway Quiz
The Spacing Quiz challenges your knowledge of Toronto's subway and transit stations. You get to choose the length of your game (10, 20 or 30 questions). A photo will be shown of a specific subway platform, bus waiting area, station entrance, stairwell, or even a public art installation. At the end of the game you find which stations you picked correctly. You can share your results on Facebook or Twitter.
The Subway Quiz is presented by Spacing, a print and web magazine based in Toronto that uncovers the joys, obstacles, and politics of Canada's biggest cities.
Do you want us to build a Subway Quiz for your city?
Contact us at subwayquiz@spacing.ca to make arrangements.
Do you want to sponsor or advertise on Subway Quiz?
Contact Lauren Purves at lauren@spacing.ca to discuss your options.
The Subway Quiz was made possible with the financial assistance of the Ontario Arts Council Investment Fund.
Developer: Greg Sullivan, Swivel Base
Photos: Lisa Logan and Spacing staff
Art & Creative Director: Matthew Blackett